Minimal Logo Design

These days, regardless of the product or service you are selling, your company's logo may be what brings in or pushes customers away. Design is everywhere and it can be challenging to find the right look for your company that conveys your business well. Do you go detailed, colorful, minimal, outline style, cartoon style, realistic, or you just don’t know.

Today, the biggest trend follows in Apples footsteps, simplicity. The company started with a pretty intricate design with a tree and an apple as a part of it. It almost told an entire story. Then, over time, it simplified to just an apple but with various colors. Now it is just a bitten apple in one simple silver color. Even though it is so minimal, it is one of the most recognizable and attractive logos out in the market. The logo is eye catching, bold, and memorable. Sometimes overdoing a logo design or making it too intricate or detailed can actually make it worse.

Let’s take an example of a seat belt repair company like Safety Restore. Their logo is an abstract view of a seatbelt intertwined with two main colors. It is bold, minimal, and simple. You get a sense that the company focuses on seat belt repair but it also opens itself up for interpretation and possibilities for other services.

Every style of design has its own set of rules or guides you should follow. Sometimes, just because it is simple, does not mean it is easy to create. It takes some thinking to achieve a minimal logo but when you do it correctly, it can make the biggest statement. This is why you are seeing many companies go this route with their logos and designs overall. Companies like Apple, Pepsi, and Safety Restore are great examples of minimal logo design.

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